The BFK takes place during the weekend of Pentecost, from Friday evening 21 to sunday 24 may 2021.
In the Hautes Alpes in France. The base camp is located in L'Argentière-la-Bessée in the WW STADIUM.
The principle is simple, fre navigation the day on the rivers of the Hautes Alpes, the choice of rivers and sections is free depending on your level technique.The navigation is done independently and under your control, navigation groups form the evening around the bar or the morning at the camp site. In the evening we meet to share a drink (french apéro),french foodl, and concert.
A location of the campsite located at Ecrins near the white water stadium is available for a well deserved rest. Accommodation on site is mandatory for all participants.
Our area offers a multitude of choices Course Class II / II to class V / VI. Wave, Gyronde, Gyr, Clarée, Guisane, Durance, Biaysse, Guil, Rabioux, Saint Pierre torrent ..........
The breakfast, Lunch, the drinks bar